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With a united voice, we can reach State and Federal groups that regulate the industry. We can’t do it without you. Every member brings something unique to the table that makes our message stronger and more dynamic.


Check out this quick snapshot of what FAHCS membership includes and an overview of our accomplishments.

By joining the FAHCS, you are becoming a part of the movement to provide patients and businesses with fair and honest treatment in the industry. You will also be joining a network of professionals, businesses and advocates who provide support and assistance when requested. FAHCS has:

  • Hosted annual and semi-annual statewide conferences to bring together providers, industry experts and sponsors

  • Had multiple tele-conferences for its members on important industry issues

  • Frequently sent timely and relevant email blasts with important state, federal and industry news

Additionally, joining FAHCS will grant you access to the exclusive members-only area of our website that includes news and information about our future efforts.

Regular Member

Company is primarily engaged as a dealer providing medical equipment and services to the general public.

Regular Member


Associate Member Benefits

An Associate or Sponsor is

An Individual, allied health professional, partnerships, manufacturer, consultant or corporations whom, as a result of their business, professional or academic situations, are interested in the activities of the medical equipment, supplies and services industry.  You may choose a MEMBERSHIP ONLY or SPONSOR LEVEL.    

Online Associate/Sponsor Application

Sponsorships include EXHIBIT SPACE at the annual conference and other benefits commensurate with the level chosen.  Associate Annual Membership supports the association but exhibit space is an additional charge.

Associate Annual Membership - $750.00

  • Listing on the FAHCS Website as Member and FAHCS Supporter
  • Website login to obtain current FAHCS Members list
  • Attend functions at Member rates
  • Up to 50% can be used for lobbying purposes

Bronze Membership - $1,500.00

  • Listing on the FAHCS Website with link from the FAHCS Website to your company website
  • Listing on the FAHCS Newsletter of your Membership Level
  • Members List
  • One FREE tabletop booth at one yearly show with one attendee. 

Silver Membership - $3,000.00

  • Listing on the FAHCS Website with link from the FAHCS Website to your company website
  • Listing on the FAHCS Newsletter of your Membership Level
  • Members List
  • Two Web Blasts per year- at a time of your choosing, to all FAHCS Members
  • One FREE tabletop booth at up to two yearly shows with one attendee each
  • Option to participate in a FAHCS committee. 

Gold Membership - $5,000.00

  • Listing on the FAHCS Website with link from the FAHCS Website to your company website
  • Listing on the FAHCS Newsletter of your Membership Level
  • Members List
  • 4 Web Blasts per year- at a time of your choosing, to all FAHCS Members
  • One FREE tabletop booth at up to two yearly shows with two attendees
  • Option to participate in multiple FAHCS committees. 

Faxed or scanned documents accepted to beth@fahcs.us


FAHCS, led by a board of industry experts, maintains a high standard of advocacy. Established in January 2009, we fight to protect and preserve the integrity of our industry as providers and the beneficiaries we serve. We are working with providers and government agencies to enhance the industry. 


Ph: 919-387-1221
Fax: 919-249-1394
Email: beth@fahcs.us

FAHCS Mailing Address:
PO Box 4411
Cary, NC 27519-4411

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